Source of the data about celestial bodies in this website:

The orbital and luminosity data are derived from the lists of the Minor Planet Center, the physical data partially from Wikipedia, partially from Johnston's Archive, and from "Physical Properties of Kuiper Belt and Centaur Objects: Constraints from Spitzer Space Telescope" (Stansberry, Grundy, Brown, Cruikshank, Spencer, Trilling, Margot, Feb. 2007).
The orbit periods of the trans-neptunian objects are calculated from the perihel and aphel data, and the supposed size of the objects from their magnitude H and a presumed albedo of 9% (shown as "?9" in the data list), if there is no better estimate for the albedo available from other measurements.
Source of the photos:

The base material for the "solar surface" background was a photo of the Institute for solar physics / Sweden,
the base material for the pictures of all other celestial bodies were photos from the NSSDC Photo Gallery (NASA).
Please notify: The pictures of all objects beyond the orbit of Neptune are freely invented by me.